Jean Jacques Weiss

Shoemaker and musician

Born: 12 April 1744, Mulhouse
Died: 24 June 1814, Mulhouse

Father: Hans Jacob Weiss, 1703-1784
Mother: Martha Schlumberger, 1705-1767

Spouse 1: Catherine Steinbach, 1749-1768
Married 22 Sept 1766, Mulhouse

Spouse 2: Susanne Schlumberger, dates unknown
Married 11 Jan 1769, Mulhouse 

Biographical information
Also known by the German variations of his name: Hans Jacob or Johann Jakob. He was a shoemaker, having learnt the skills from his father.

He was also a musician, and was a member of Jean-Michel Huber's Collegium Musicum, a group that promoted religious music. Records show that when Jean Jacques' first wife, Catherine Steinbach, died at the age of only 19, ten of her husband's colleagues from the collegium carried her body to the cemetery, and it was decided that this would also be done in the future, at the funerals of members or their wives. They also sang funeral songs at the grave.

Bonz, T. and Michelon, E. (Eds.) 2012. Jean Gaspard Weiss Autobiographie: Lebens- und Reisebericht eines Musikers aus dem 18. Jahnhundert. Orts Musikverlag, Beeskow.

Musée Historique de Mulhouse. 2013. Bulletin du Musée Historique de Mulhouse, 1883. Forgotten Books, London. (Original work published 1883).