Martha Weiss

Born: 12 August 1745, Mulhouse
Died: 24 January 1839, location unknown, but it wasn't Mulhouse

Father: Hans Jacob Weiss, 1703-1784
Mother: Martha Schlumberger, 1705-1767

Spouse 1: Hans Michael Zetter, 1744-
Married on 24 November 1766, Mulhouse.

Spouse 2: Johannes Schoen, 1748-1818
Married on 7 October 1784, Mulhouse.

Biographical information
In 1775, when Martha was 30 years old, and had been married to her first husband, Hans Michael Zetter, for almost nine years, a passport was issued for her to travel to England, a gift of Godefroi Hofer (not the same one who married Martha's niece Mary Ann, as he would have been only 14 years old at the time). Martha travelled to England, and joined her newly married brother Jean Gaspard in London, living with him and his growing family for almost a decade. 

It is said that she filed for divorce from Zetter from London, so we can perhaps presume it was not a happy marriage, and she was fortunate to be provided with a way to escape the situation. 

Martha returned to Mulhouse in 1783, marrying Johannes Schoen a year later, his third marriage.

It is not known where Martha died; her death was not recorded in Mulhouse vital records.

Bonz, T. and Michelon, E. (Eds.) 2012. Jean Gaspard Weiss Autobiographie: Lebens- und Reisebericht eines Musikers aus dem 18. Jahnhundert. Orts Musikverlag, Beeskow.

Mulhouse Musèe Historique. 1876. Bulletin du Musèe Historique et des Sciences Humaines. Imprimerie Veuve Bader et Cie, Mulhouse.